If you missed the 2017, 2015 and 2013 gas turbine conferences and would like to obtain a copy of the conference book containing the written papers then IPowerE has a limited number of copies of the bound volumes available to buy. These are available at £30 each (£15 for students attending a full-time course in engineering). Please contact the office to order and pay.

2019 Gas Turbine Conference
“Operational Plant Optimisation & New Technology/Projects”
2017 Gas Turbine Conference
“The Role of the Gas Turbine in Today’s Global Power Industry and other International Power Applications”
2015 Gas Turbine Conference
“Adapting gas turbine technology – navigate the road ahead in a dynamic market”

IDGTE 100 year commemorative badge

The development and history of the gas turbine for power generation, industrial and marine purposes.
This reference book provides a comprehensive insight into the development and history of the industrial gas turbine covering a most amazing account of technological developments. The story starts in the early twentieth century and continues with the most developments through to the present day, continuing to impress the engineering world. This includes the most recent gas turbine technology developments.
The book has sections covering the work of the Pioneers, technology developments, thermodynamics, cycles, economics, configurations, technology trends, combined cycle, aero-derivatives, small and large heavy duty turbines, micro turbines, related technologies, fuels, materials, performance, combustion, emissions, reliability, and availability. Ninety nine industrial gas turbine manufacturers are listed, who have been involved in the gas turbine story since the early days. The book lists all known manufacturers from Europe, North America and The Far East. More than 1,900 gas turbine models are identified to the present time with ratings from 3KW to 500MW+.
This reference book is intended to be of interest to power engineers and the gas turbine industry worldwide, including both experienced engineers as well as those wishing to study and learn about all aspects of the modern industrial gas turbine.
Author – Ronald Hunt CEng FIMechE FIDGTE
CONTRIBUTORS – Acknowledgment is given in the book to the many individual contributors who have kindly shared their experience,given information and contributed to the content of the book in various ways.
In addition there have been over 48 companies and organisations that have made direct contributions and have assisted in the validation of the reported information. Payment is via PayPal using a debit or credit card – a PayPal account is not required.