- Our mission at IPowerE is to serve our members and the industry by encouraging the sharing of knowledge and experience in the field of power and energy and to advance conceptual thought, design, development, manufacture, application, operation and maintenance of power and energy plant and systems.
- Our vision is to be the leading independent international forum for promotion and exchange of knowledge and for development of technology in the field of power and energy.
You are invited to be part of IPowerE. Join a unique professional organisation dedicated to your industry and extend your Continuous Professional Development (CPD) by participating in IPowerE meetings, technical visits and networking opportunities
Join Now: As a Member you get access to the on-line library and receive past technical papers published in our quarterly journal “Power Engineer” free of charge.
IPowerE Technology Seminar
& 76th Annual Luncheon
Thursday 3rd April 2025
Chelsea Harbour Hotel, London
“Powering the Future: The Contribution of Proven and Emerging Technologies”

Our Principal Guest and Industry Speaker is Dan McGrail, CEO of RenewableUK, Board Member of WindEurope and former CEO of Siemens Engines. As Managing Director of Siemens Power Generation from 2014-2017, he expanded Siemens UK’s activities in the thermal power market. He became CEO of Siemens Engines in November 2017, leading the rebranding of the company and helping to secure significant growth.
Our Guest Speaker this year is Martin Hibbert, one of the closest people to the Manchester Arena bombing in 2017. Martin’s story of determination and positivity since suffering such catastrophic injuries is truly inspiring. Despite the severity of his injuries, he has since taken on many challenges to raise funds for the Spinal Injury Association including hand-cycling to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro.
The Institution is currently looking for a Director General. The main responsibilities of the DG will be to develop and manage the continuing strategic development of IPowerE, work collaboratively with the Officers and oversee IPowerE committees to deliver strategy.
Job description
AMPS Jargon Buster
Explaining key terms for specifiers and end users

The no-nonsense guide to generating sets for specifiers, students and engineers.
Have an article published in the journal
IPowerE welcomes technical articles for publication from members and non-
members. They can relate to your recent experiences or those some time in the past.
We are interested in articles which cover topics such as:
- A description of a new plant or process, commissioning experience of such plant or processes, performance of such plant.
- A description of a new development/process.
- Personal experience of a particular period as an engineer.
We invite you to send in any ideas and suggestions (title and one paragraph introduction) for articles to the Bedford Office for consideration for publication in the journal.