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IPowerE recognises the fundamental good character of its members, however IPowerE takes this opportunity to remind members of the Institution’s Code of Conduct. Compliance with this code of conduct is a requirement of IPowerE membership and all members should read, understand and adhere to the code.
Support your profession, enhance the standing of the profession for the benefit of all, and raise public awareness of the honesty and integrity of the profession by being aware, raising awareness and adhering to the Code of Conduct. Print it, spread it about, use it as a screen saver, be proud to be an engineer or engineering technician.
Members shall:
Keep their knowledge and skills up-
Not undertake work beyond competency.
Accept personal responsibility for your work.
Warn when advice is not accepted.
Not bring their profession, the Institution or others into disrepute.
Take care to limit any danger of death, injury or ill health.
Avoid waste of natural resources, damage to the environment.
Not use designatory letters to which they are not entitled.
Adhere to the highest standards of business conduct, exemplify professional behaviour and treat all people with respect.
Avoid real or perceived conflict of interest, observe confidentiality and reject bribery.
Assess relevant risks and liability.
Code of conduct
The trust that the public have of a profession and the esteem in which it is held are very much the result of the behaviour of people in the profession. If engineering is to remain a trusted profession and held in high esteem then we engineers and technicians need to earn that.