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Technical papers
Enjoy fast online access to current and historic technical papers covering all aspects of the energy industry.
Technical papers are free to members.
Download list of technical papers from 18 to 495, Years 1916-
Download of technical papers from 496 to 655, Years 1997-
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About technical papers
About technical papers
The IPowerE publish four technical papers each year in the IPowerE journal Power Engineer. Additional copies are available to download free of charge to members.
Updated regularly, members of the IPowerE can access our technical paper archive and download essential industry information. Browse through our large selection of current and historic technical papers.
Getting a paper published
If you have written a technical paper that you would like the IPowerE to consider for publishing in Power Engineer, please contact the office.
For technical papers presented and published that have a high degree of technical merit, you will be eligible to enter our Akroyd Stuart Memorial Prize or our Percy Still Medal. Click here for further information.
Technical paper archive
Our technical papers go back as far as 1913, access to these papers allows engineers to see the way the energy industry has evolved and where it wants to be in the future. If you are looking for a solution to a technical problem, need information to support a university project or simply have an active interest in our industry you are sure to find what you are looking for amongst our archive.